Graduate Student Travel Award Application Form

Professional Development and building a professional network are important components of our students’ education. This award program provides financial support for graduate students to travel to present one’s academic work related to their program of study. Travel for formal presentations or performances is an essential experience that enhances the academic and professional development of graduate students through networking and exposure to scholarly activities underway in their field by other institutions and provides opportunities to share in-progress research and scholarship with regional, national and global communities. Examples of travel eligible for support include:

  • Travel for presenting one’s academic work related to their program of study. This includes live performances or artistic exhibitions in addition to poster presentations and research talks.
  • Presenting at virtual conferences – Please input “VIRTUAL CONFERENCE” as the city location when applying for an award to easily designate the conference format.

The deadline for application for a travel award is one month prior to the beginning of travel. Students may apply for more than one award, but the total award permitted during the course of a student’s graduate study at UD is $1,500 from the Graduate College. So with the 1:1 match requirement, the student is eligible for up to $3,000 in travel support. The student must conform to University Travel Policy on allowable travel reimbursements.

Policies and Procedures

  1. Effective February 7, 2024, the Graduate College will only support Graduate Student travel for conferences in which students present or perform. Students are required to upload written documentation confirming their participation in the conference programming. Proof of presentation or performance must be uploaded to the application.
  2. The Graduate College will support a maximum of $1,500 total during a student’s graduate study. So with the 1:1 match requirement, the student is eligible for up to $3,000 in travel support, but full funding is not guaranteed. Matching may come from internal university sources or external grant funding.
  3. In order for applicants to be considered eligible for this award, applicants must be in good standing with their programs, provide proof of presentation or performance, and complete their travel before the end of the month in which they graduate. (For example:  If they have a graduation month of May, they must travel and return before May 31.)  
  4. Applicants should budget for the least costly mode of travel and lodging. Students are encouraged to pool resources whenever possible. For example, if many students within a department/program will attend the same conference to present, they are encouraged to share lodging. Travel expenses may include parking, airfare or train ticket, roundtrip mileage at the current IRS rate, poster printing fee, registration fee, food, lodging and taxi/bus/shuttle fares. Alcoholic beverages are NOT an allowable expense.
  5. Your college business administrator is your resource for assistance in submitting your Travel Request and travel Expense Report through Concur. Please attach your Graduate Travel Award letter and the completed Graduate Travel Expense Allocation Form or your department’s travel allocation form to your expense report in Concur within 30 days of return from travel.


Have you obtained prior routing information and departmental support?




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