UD Collection-Based Research Grant Program

This matching competitive grant program will provide funding of up to $300 to graduate students at the Doctoral and Master’s level to support short-term collection-based research travel. Funding may cover transportation and housing expenses.

Proposals should be submitted to the Graduate College at least one month in advance of travel and must include:

  1. Two-page project description, and proposed date of travel.
  2. Curriculum vita
  3. Detailed budget with 1:1 match funding from department or program documented.
  4. Recommendation from the applicant’s faculty advisor or department/program chair or director attesting to applicant’s progress in their major area of study and suitability for this travel award.

Within two weeks of return from travel, students will be required to prepare a report summarizing their research activities and the influence of this experience on their long-term research goals. Original receipts should be retained by the student’s department, with a scanned copy sent to the Graduate College with their trip report. After receiving and approving the student’s trip report, the Graduate College will provide the purpose code for the Collection-Based Research Grant to the student’s department for disbursement of the award. A student may apply for funding only once each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).


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